New Music: Cymbals Eat Guitars – “Ballad of Big Nothing” (Elliott Smith cover)

cymbals eat guitars (29)Few things feel better than being able to really love a band wholeheartedly. From their excellent debut, Why There Are Mountains, to the “Tunguska” single and now to this newly released cover of a track by my favorite artist ever, Cymbals Eat Guitars have given me no reason yet to have reservations. The Anthony Bourdains of indie rock’s respectful take on “Ballad of Big Nothing” burns louder and hotter than Smith’s Either/Or classic rocker, adding just enough spark to make it a worthwhile addition to their own discography. There’s no lack of Smith covers out there, including the ho-hum tribute collection To: Elliott, From: Portland, but this is one of the few essentials. (Others? The first that comes to mind is Petra Haden and Bill Frisell’s version of “Satellite,” linked below.) (Photo by Yenna.)

Cymbals Eat Guitars – “Ballad of Big Nothing” (Elliott Smith cover): mp3
Petra Haden and Bill Frisell – “Satellite” (Elliott Smith cover): mp3

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