The Rob Gordon Shuffle, 10/10-10/16
As in, “the triumphant return of.”
Longtime fans of The Rawking Refuses To Stop! will remember The Rob Gordon Shuffle – a weekly rundown of new music and old favorites. Whatever’s been in the rotation that week. Plus mp3s (of course). Well, it’s back as a regular feature, so without further ado…
Kings of Convenience – Riot on an Empty Street
“Sorry or Please”: mp3
The Kings of Convenience take Bryter Layter-era Nick Drake and embrace the latin rhythms Drake once flirted with. The arrangements are similar – acoustic guitar and male voice plays a major role, with piano flourishes and danceable percussion thrown in for good measure. The Kings are both sexy (“I’d Rather Dance”) and on “Sorry Or Please,” solemnly introspective. This particular song questions the future of a relationship in the most beautiful possible way.
Aberdeen – Homesick and Happy to be There
“Handsome Drink”: mp3
I’ve probably posted about this band before. They do the whole Sarah Records thing – jangly guitars, key of D, noodling electric melody, pretty (mostly) female vocals and gushy lyrics. I love it. “Handsome Drink” is the first track, and also the best. Funny how often that happens.
Menomena – I Am The Fun Blame Monster
I don’t know how I passed this album over in 2003. It’s really interestingly arranged weirdo indie-pop with lots of keyboards. Sounds like Grandaddy, but more fun.
Dudes have a new album on the way, so here’s a demo that seems to be part of one band member’s school project. Weirdo, I tell you.
“Yeah”: mp3
Rob will turn next week. Promise.