TV On The Aliens
Like the sheen of an interstellar spacecraft, TV On The Radio can be a little disorienting. The band’s latest (and to these ears, greatest) album is called Return To Cookie Mountain and it’s due out September 12. “But Dave! I didn’t download the first two unmastered leaks or the retail version from the European release! What can I expect!?!” Not fucking indie rock, that’s for sure.
TVOTR is a strange band, in the sense that it changes its sound and production style with every release. This time around, the band soars through grey radio static with swooping melodies, forming long, atmospheric songs. Tunde Adebimpe has a voice unlike any other singer in rock right now, though David Bowie does a pretty good impersonation. My favorite track is the slow, moody “Tonight,” but the album has its heavier moments – like this song.
TV On The Radio – “Wolf Like Me” (streaming audio): windows media / real player
Friends, you’ll have to bear with me on the streams – I can’t post MP3s here without getting a nasty letter in the mail, but I want to talk about this band and Outkast and lots of other stuff. What do you think – do you mind? Do you prefer the streaming? Or should I do whole album posts on indie obscurities?