New Ryan Adams! "Two"

The early, Stephen King-led consensus on Ryan Adams’ upcoming Easy Tiger seems to be that this is the comeback album. He learned his lesson: putting out a lot of albums real fast, like, say, Bob Dylan and Neil Young used to, means that you need an editor and the second two aren’t worth paying attention to. So after 2005, the year he released three albums over four discs — including 29, the most mature, cohesive work of his career, and the most staggeringly overlooked album of the last several years — the guy’s just doing one this time around.

Apparently, “comeback” means “sound like his most commercially successful album.” The only thing differentiating first single “Two” from Gold‘s lead-off track “New York, New York” is the presence of Sheryl Crow on backing vocals. As a die-hard Ryan Adams fan, I’d say I’m disappointed – except he makes this stuff sound great. As Michael said to Pam on The Office last night, I can’t stay mad at you…(Ryan).

Ryan Adams – “Two”: stream at MySpace

(Easy Tiger is due June 26 from Lost Highway)


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