Best of 2007: Reader Poll – Best Rawkblog Discovery?
Disclaimer: I am aware you did not discover the National from this blog
2007 is drawing to a close and the lists keep pouring in – I’m looking forward to giving some serious spins to Gorilla Vs. Bear and Skatterbrain‘s year-end picks. Our coverage is coming next week, when I’m done with finals and have some serious time to invest in writing up my albums list (it’ll be a top 30), song list (probably a top 50) and a number of other ideas in the works. In the meantime, I’ll be posting holiday songs and trying to squeeze in a few more album posts, but as loyal readers, you guys should have a pretty good idea of what I liked this year.
Now, I want to know what you like. What was your favorite song or album that you discovered (or at least heard) here on The Rawking Refuses To Stop! this year? Did we turn you on to a new folk ballad or dance jam? I sure hope so.
Here’s a band I discovered thanks to Skatterbrain, who routinely introduces me (and the entire blogosphere, no doubt) to amazing stuff.
Club 8 – “Whatever You Want”: mp3
Best of 2007: Complete coverage of this year’s finest songs and albums. Click below for more.