Cuban Linx: Aquarium Drunkard’s Best-Of, Richard Hawley and Aimee Mann Live, No More Free Radiohead
I’ve always considered fellow L.A. blog Aquarium Drunkard a musical kindred spirit, and lo and behold, his best of 2007 list proves me right. More than a few of these will be on my list, but he did catch a few I had to leave off.
Stereogum caught Richard Hawley at New York’s Other Music and has photos and video. The deep-voiced singer is playing the Troubadour on Dec. 13 – I’ll be there with bells on.
Hate Something Beautiful has some great shots of Aimee Mann’s recent El Rey show.
Radiohead announced that after Dec. 10, you won’t be able to pay what you want (read: nothing) for In Rainbows anymore. It’s just as well: now that the discbox has leaked in crisp, shiny V0, who needs an inferior legal alternative? Raise your hand if you still miss OiNK.
Cuban Linx: All the news that’s fit to blog. Click below for more.