Ten Awesome Things of 2007

You can finally celebrate, Peyton; you made the list. (Photo credit is due for jenniferrt66.)

Here are ten awesome things that happened this year. They are in no particular order, save for numerical.

1: I saw the Moldy Peaches reunion show. I’m guessing it will go down in the record books as one of the last shows they ever play together. That was really pretty awesome, and one of few shows from this year I will remember by the end of the next. Incidentally, I wrote it up for this blog.

2: I started writing on this blog, making it more awesome.

3: As a corollary of two, I got vandalized by Gerard vs. Bear and subsequently dismantled by a Gawker-franchise blog. When this happened, I didn’t realize it was a sign of arrival in the blogosphere; now I do. I’d like to think the ridiculously whiny post that got all this attention did something productive, but I’m guessing it just encouraged Dave to make more inflammatory posts, which has brought Rawkblog flurries of anonymous comments from PR flacks – awesome.

4: The Colts won the Super Bowl. That was awesome because Peyton Manning was like my hero at the beginning of the year. These days I think Peyton’s kind of played-out because he’s always on TV shilling for something, but I was glad to see him win the Super Bowl MVP – despite the fact that he did absolutely nothing spectacular in the game. It was doubly awesome to me as an atheist that, during the post-game festivities, Peyton conspicuously did not thank God for a role in winning the game, despite the fact that Tony Dungy had just rambled on about Jesus.

5: Oh yeah, it was also awesome how Prince played the Super Bowl half-time show. It’s been generally awesome in the last few years watching the purpled sex-fiend rehabilitate his legacy with decent singles and smoking performances.

6: Me and Carman went to Tahoe and shredded up Squaw and Heavenly. We also got awesome guacamole at Tahoe Chevy’s, but they ran out of chips before we ran out of guac. That was less awesome, but it was, on the whole, still an awesome trip.

7: My girlfriend Traci bought me a pair of blue, red and yellow Onitsuka Tigers, surely the awesomest shoes I have ever owned, and likely the awesomest shoes I will ever own. Few days passed in ’07 without people remarking on my colorful kicks.

8: I got a print byline for the first time. H.L. Mencken once wrote something to the effect that, seeing your name on newsprint above something you’ve written, especially when the piece appears approximately the same as when you originally wrote it, is awesome. Is that sheer egotism? I’m pretty sure the answer is yes.

9: I won $5000 on a game show. Having $5000 is pretty awesome.

10: The Of Montreal album actually came out, and the packaging was a sort of gatefold. Gatefolds are awesome.

Of Montreal – “Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse”: mp3


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