Live: Passion Pit @ Echoplex, 5.29.09

Passion Pit
All photos by David Greenwald

Admission: I haven’t listened to the Passion Pit album; I was at this show for their opener, Harlem Shakes. (They killed!) I may have been the only one. Sold-out shows at the Echoplex are typically fraught with peril thanks to long lines even hours after “doors,” belligerent security and more belligerent Pitchfork-reading frat/alt bros, and Passion Pit’s gig was no exception. The band didn’t improve the scene much — maybe they’re more impressive on record, but despite one concertgoer’s “We’re at the Passion Pit show, fuck yeah!” it was hard to get excited about dudes’ flaccid, wobbly falsetto’d dance-rock. It’s too bad 90210‘s over for the season — I hear they’ve got a Pit, too. Probably a better fit.
