New Music/Video: Keaton Henson – ‘To Your Health’
Keaton Henson – To Your Health (Channel 4 version) from Keaton Henson on Vimeo.
Reclusive folk musician Keaton Henson’s Dear… is one of the year’s finest folk records, a spare, striking collection that will tie your stomach into knots. New track “To Your Health” is a bitter toast: “Drink up so we can both finally die,” he sings, without the exuberant delivery that once softened a similar blow from the Mountain Goats. No, like an inverse Fiona Apple, Henson wants his ex to feel everything — or as much as a whisper can deliver. The above video, which finds him performing in the shallow end of the camera’s depth of field as a ballerina moves to his mood, is equally subtle. The track’s part of his upcoming Lucky EP, due July 23.
Previously: Video Premiere: Keaton Henson – “Strawbear” | all Keaton Henson posts