Self-promotion / Caitlin Cary

Caitlin Cary first. Begonias is an album of country (no alt-) duets with a guy who sounds uncomfortably like Ryan Adams. I’m having a lot of trouble enjoying this properly because of that (i’m a little freaked out this week as it is), but it’s good.

Caitlin Cary and Thad Cockrell – “Two Different Things”: mp3

So, since posting those Elliott songs, the daily hit count of The Rawking Refuses To Stop! has gone up about ten times. And by The Rawking Refuses To Stop!, I mean that single isolated post that’s getting all the traffic. Here are a few of the more interesting pages to link me:

Nachdem wir bereits kürzlich über ein anstehendes Tribute-Album zu Ehren von Elliott Smith berichteten, wurden nun 20 bislang unveröffentlichte Songs des vor zwei Jahren verstorbenen Künstlers im Internet gesichtet. Hierbei handelt es sich teilweise um Outtakes aus den Aufnahmen zu dem posthum veröffentlichten Album „From a Basement on a Hill“, aber auch ältere Songs sollen ihren Weg in die Öffentlichkeit gefunden haben. Eine Liste mit den Titeln gibt es HIER. Möglicherweise führt eine genauere Lektüre der Seite zu den „neuen“ Stücken. Schaut mal nach.

and most hilariously, Suicidegirls.
Mere days short of the second anniversary of his death, nearly two dozen previously unreleased recordings by singer-songwriter Elliott Smith have found their way online:
The 22 tracks are being circulated under the title From a Basement on the Hill II and are purported to be songs dropped from the LP. However, much of the material is believed to date from long before the album’s sessions, some of it going back as far as the mid-’90s. Charlie Ramirez, Webmaster for the official Smith site, says, “I think some of them might have been considered for Basement, but not necessarily.”
Rawkblog has a YouSendIt link.

The evolution of blog hierarchy probably doesn’t interest anyone else but me, so with that I’ll call it a day.