Naked Hayley Williams Photo Used For Online Dating Site
So, uh, this is awkward and I’m only blogging about it in the hopes that some bigger publication will take the (naked) baton and run with it. Hayley Williams, lead singer of band-that-I-love Paramore, wound up Tweeting a nude photo of herself a couple weeks back (probably hacked, etc.), and yesterday, that photo showed up on the Huffington Post. But not as part of a “SINGER ROCKS TOPLESS [PHOTO]” headline! Instead, a censored version of the shot with an iPad Photoshopped onto it (I repeat: an iPad Photoshopped onto it) appears as a photo illustration for an article on, an online dating site for people who love Apple products. has the credit for the photo, so they, not HuffPo, may be too blame, but: pretty fucked either way, right? Hey SPIN, want to defend your cover star?
Previously: Discussion: Why Are We Scared To Like Paramore?