Sondre Lerche, Jens Lekman Mondrian tix still available

If you would like to see Dave Rawkblog geeking out as hard as he possibly can (also, playing air guitar with awkward, half-remembered jazz chords), you should come see Sondre Lerche on Saturday at the Mondrian SkyBar, where the Norwegian songwriter will likely preview new material from his just-finished 2011-due album. The show is free and is within walking distance of my apartment, so, Sondre, open invitation to come over after and hang with our cat/record a Rawkblog session on my laptop. Everyone else, e-mail to RSVP.

And my other favorite Scandinavian singer-songwriter, Jens Lekman (like I even need to say his name) just e-mailed this morning saying his Mondrian show on Dec. 4 still has room, which seems ridiculous because Jens Lekman. Jens is also obviously invited to come over and hang and play tunes with the kitten. (Should I give him a framed photo from RAWKSHOTS?)