Video: tUnE-yArDs – ‘You Yes You’ (Yours Truly Session) Presents: tUnE-yArDs “You Yes You” from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

It’s funny, because tUnE-yArDs’ Merrill Garbus’ introduction to this performance — an explanation of why she dubbed her new record w h o k i l l — is about as art-school pretentious as it gets, an Exhibit A for why artists shouldn’t be allowed to ruin their art by talking about it. And yet, there she is moments later, ecstatic and effortlessly improvisatory and utterly within the moment in the way the best musicians are. While w h o k i l l falls short of the blend of off-the-charts virtuosity and songwriting acumen that made Dirty Projectors’ Bitte Orca an album-of-the-year caliber record, few releases this year sound so ferociously alive. Nice work, as always, by Yours Truly, who should really put out a three-hour Blu-ray for me to give them money for.

Previously: Video: tUnE-yArDs – “Bizness”