Video: Little Scream – ‘The Heron and the Fox’ (Live)
Little Scream: “The Heron and The Fox” (live) from Secretly Jag on Vimeo.
We can talk a lot about the impact that the Take-Away Shows have had on music videos — how they, and the prevalence of affordable, video-ready DSLRs have led to dozens of imitators and far more indie rock bands playing live music in strange locations than anyone could ever hope to watch. For the most part, the movement’s been a great, artful one, often proving the videographers to be more creative than the bands they’ve documented. The best of both sides is on display in this, a stunning Little Scream performance of previously blogged “The Heron and the Fox.”
It’s both a master class on how much can be accomplished with three chords (you write a song this gorgeous with mostly C and D) and an education on the power of cinematic simplicity. The Golden Record is due on Secretly Canadian on April 12; I saw Ms. Scream solo at Canada’s Grammy party (really!) last night and she was excellent. More on that shortly. (Via Gorilla Vs. Bear)
Little Scream – “The Heron and the Fox”: mp3