Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists, S01E02
Mona goes back to her PLL rabbit hole, and Alli tries to figure out who she really is—a newly mature and responsible mom, or, um, a wildly reckless decision-maker?
Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists, S01E01
The Pretty Little Grown Men podcast makes a triumphant return to recap Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists and talk about the new show’s themes of privilege, pressure, and (ahem) murder.
Flexbox gutters and negative margins, mostly solved
A riskier hack than it looks, but with a few extra steps, we can make (almost) perfect grid-style gutters for Flexbox.
Loading just-in-time CSS in the Body with WordPress
Getting into progressive CSS rendering with WordPress: easier than you’re expecting.
Gmail is flagging non-HTTPS links in email for spam
Make sure your emails aren’t landing in spam folders by updating your signature links.
I’m speaking at WordCamp Portland and WordCamp Seattle 2018
Giving my performance talk, How to Clean Up the WordPress Database.
Styling WordPress categories
How to better style and customize WordPress categories and tags in theme templates.
Add GitHub-style syntax highlighting to your website with Ulysses 13 and CSS
Color-code your code examples without a plugin or JavaScript library, thanks to Ulysses 13’s amazing new code blocks.
First Look: Chapman & Brocker – “Dance Of The Crazy Man”
Chapman & Brocker’s 2008 debut is a theatrical, surreal pop swirl that evokes the Beach Boys’ existential longing.
CSS Grid: Understanding grid-gap and fr vs. auto units
Working through CSS Grid’s new fractional unit, making it play nice with auto, and why it’s time to use grid-gap for all your margins.
How I tracked WordPress spam links to their plugin malware
Tracking down a spam function in a rogue version of the Logos Showcase plugin.